Welcome back friends. I'm currently hard at work reviving the site. Back in 2010, most web browsers disabled Flash Player by default. At that time, you had to dig deep into the settings of your browser to enable it. Around 2017, browsers made it a little easier to view flash by clicking boxes like this:
Between 2010 and 2017, I lost quite a bit of users. E-cards being sent dropped from 3000 a month to just around 100 a month. To be honest, I was quite impressed with how many people still use e-cards, let alone e-mail their friends with social networks and all.
I am using Adobe Animate to (incorrect terminology ahead) "convert" the site back to working order. Yeah, you don't convert Flash to Canvas, you just don't... You rebuild it all and that's hard :P
The site is looking to be quite functional, except of course the e-cards which are STILL in flash. I'm currently scouring the web far and wide, looking for that one guru who will lead me in the right step. I'll find them and the answers I seek.. eventually.
I am using Adobe Animate to (incorrect terminology ahead) "convert" the site back to working order. Yeah, you don't convert Flash to Canvas, you just don't... You rebuild it all and that's hard :P
The site is looking to be quite functional, except of course the e-cards which are STILL in flash. I'm currently scouring the web far and wide, looking for that one guru who will lead me in the right step. I'll find them and the answers I seek.. eventually.