BTC: 3P5T9BdepKCHyPbrzss63eDSw1qqVK687T
LTC: LdZryfGbc8VNjZ5PPwm24hKRQF6AmeGJmQ
You can copy the above addresses from this blog anytime, or, you can go to the "about" page on the main site and click the copy button, which will automatically copy it to your clipboard. All you have to do is paste it in your crypto app.
Alternatively, you can tip me with Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) if you are using the Brave Browser. Just click the triangle at the top next to the lion icon. Ignore where it says monthly, don't put anything there. Just click "Send Tip" and it will ask you how much: 1BAT, 5BAT, 10BAT.
Any and all support appreciated! Signing off!
PS - the old paypal button on this blog (to the left) still works, I just realized it was still there, but crypto might be a better option for all of us ;) ;) ;) ;)