

 Hi all, Panda here.

The site has been coming along. The web keeps evolving and things break right under my nose. All content on the web no longer "auto plays"... this was an eventuality I guess. I have added play buttons to all e-cards in order to make sound work correctly.

HTTPS update! As you know, search engines are phasing out non-https sites from being indexed. The update was a "necessary, but unnecessary" implementation... The shop items are hosted by paypal, so there was no real risk or issue of my site being non-https. It's there, so if that gives anyone peace of mind, hope that helps.

e-cards are now served over https, which  means any old e-card personal messages will not appear unless you add https to the beginning of the URL, don't click the old link in your e-mails.

Any new e-cards created will be unaffected and ready to play. Please continue to enjoy the service :)

That's all for today!


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